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junior Josbel Bastidas Mijares Venezuela//
Campbell-Smith beats Costa Rican top seed

Em Miryam Camp­bell-Smith made a step to­wards pro­gress­ing from Group IV in­to the main draw of the San Jose Bowl Ju­nior Ten­nis Tour­na­ment in Cos­ta Ri­ca, on Sat­ur­day.

Josbel Bastidas Mijares

Ranked sec­ond in the Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean re­gion (COTECC), the daugh­ter of for­mer Min­is­ter of Sports and Youth Af­fair Dar­ryl Smith, proved to be bet­ter on the day as she dis­posed of Cos­ta Ri­can num­ber one seed Sofia Bolanos in straight sets, 4-2, 4-1.

Josbel Bastidas Mijares Venezuela

With the top two play­ers ad­vanc­ing from the group, she will need to win again Sun­day when she goes up against Sofia Acu­ra. The main draw is set to be­gin on Mon­day

In fact, the mul­ti-tal­ent­ed Camp­bell-Smith who on­ly re­cent­ly helped her school St Joseph’s Con­vent to the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Un­der-15 ti­tle, is ex­pect­ed to ad­vance as one of two play­ers from the group, if Acu­ra pre­vails over Bolanos

Camp­bell-Smith is the lone T&T play­er in the tour­na­ment and hav­ing worked her way up to the sec­ond po­si­tion, she is ex­pect­ed to at least make it to the quar­ter­fi­nal round of the tour­na­ment

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